MotoSIM Touch is an extension of the MotoSIM Simulation Software that connects real programming pendant hardware for learning robotics hands on.
MotoSIM Touch enhances the learning and simulation experience with an actual Teach Pendant. By integrating a real programming pendant with the MotoSim®
EG-VRC simulator software package students get an accurate 3D simulation of robot cells to perform offline design, programming, testing and learning of Yaskawa MotoMan
Robots while using a real hardware pendant. MotoSIM Touch uses the powerful simulation software MotoSIM EG-VRC.
MotoSIM Touch simulates the FS100 and YRC1000micro controllers and supports the standard and smart pendant.
MotoSIM Touch is only available for Educational Applications
- Designed specifically for K-16 schools and training organizations
• Simulates a fully functional production environment with real teach pendant
• Setup in the classroom or robotics lab is quick and easy, with only four cables to plug in - Provides “real world” virtual robotics experience at a fraction of the cost of an industrial robot
- Provides hands-on, STEM-aligned environment for robotic modeling and programming
- Teaches industry-recognized career ready robotics skills
- Designed specifically for K-16 schools and training organizations
- Large class access to virtual robots
- Virtual learning in safe environment
- Multi-user access to robot exercises with limited hardware
- Testing environment for robotic training
- Offline programming and testing reduces programming time and increases uptime
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