The JobMaster® Industrial Maintenance and Mechatronics Training system provides a superior blended learning solution by combining engaging e-learning content with industrial-grade hardware.
The foundation of your JobMaster training system includes the Learning Station and Power Control panels, which facilitate classroom management and provide the base upon which to add courses.
The hardware included with JobMaster courses is designed to work with the Learning Station. FlexPonent panels easily attach directly to the Learning Station, and when necessary, connect to electrical power via the Power Control Panel.* Panels are easily interchangeable allowing multiple courses to be taught simultaneously on each Learning Station.
*See course descriptions for power requirements
JobMaster Learning Station (LS00-0200)

The OpenCIM software is a computer-integrated systems management solution that contains all the elements found in fully-automated facilities.
Shop floor management controls the operation of all the elements of automated factory.
Administrative software connects the shop floor management to the production facility’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
The OpenCIM software contains an ERP package which breaks down customer orders to analyze bill of materials, check availability of raw materials, produce vendor’s purchase order and schedule production based on expected lead times.
Power Controllers

JobMaster Power Control (PC) panels connect your Learning Station to your facility power.