For over 30 years, Intelitek has been supporting schools around the world in the implementation of their education programs. Below are a few of the successful implementations of career and technology programs!

Camden Central HS in Benton County, TN
Benton County Schools’ goal is to prepare students to be successful. The new advanced manufacturing training facility at Camden Central High school is a huge step towards that goal.

Laramie County Community College
Laramie CCC has an advanced manufacturing program designed to generate qualified employees for industry and promote economic development for the region.

CTE Program to Certify Students in Mechatronics and Automation
The Intelitek curriculum are used to train students for industry certifications that prepare them to be hired immediately

Empower in Georgia trains students for local industry

Cleveland Community College Responds Industry 4.0 Needs
Students learn critical technology skills for manufacturing careers from Intelitek

Edgecombe Community College Upgrades for local Industry needs
College adopts computer integrated manufacturing and
robotics training from Intelitek

Mechatronics at Orange Technical College in Orlando
Mid Florida State’s mechatronics program is sponsored by local industry to support jobs in the region.

SNPP and SINAFOCAL Advanced Technical Training
Paraguay transforms its teaching methodologies to create a competitive labor force

Corona High School – PLTW engineering program
Program designed to set the students up to go directly into the manufacturing field or to a 4 year college in engineering or manufacturing.

WSWHE BOCES and SUNY-Adirondack Community College
A public-private partnership fills the industry need for skilled graduates!

Milford High School Applied Technology Center (ATC)
High school program opens up opportunities for students by integrating engineering and machine tool pathways!

High-Tech Centre at ENSP, Cameroon
An advanced educational facility at Ecole Nationale Superieure Polytechnique in Yaounde, Cameroon, delivers comprehensive engineering and manufacturing education!