Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) courses teach students how to program and use PLCs in industrial applications that require electrical control.
Using PLCMotion software, students program virtual PLCs, troubleshoot ladder diagrams and control programs, and also design original HMIs for displaying PLC program simulations.
Prerequisite: Requires PLC 1 & 2 and Hydraulics 1 & 2
Activity 1: Getting Started
Activity 2: Using a 4/2 Sol-Sol Valve to Control a
Double-Acting Cylinder
Activity 3: Using a 4/2 Sol-Spring Valve to
Control a Double-Acting Cylinder
Activity 4: Using a 4/3 Sol-Sol Valve to Control a
Double-Acting Cylinder
Activity 5: Using a Fully Automatic Hydraulic Circuit
Activity 6: Using a Fully Automatic Hydraulic
Circuit with a Timer
Activity 7: Using a 4/3 Sol-Sol Valve with a Counter
Activity 8: Using a Fully Automatic Hydraulic
Circuit with an OSR Instruction
Activity 9: Sequential Operation with Two
Double-Acting Cylinders
Activity 10: Sequential Operation with Three
Double-Acting Cylinders
Activity 11: Sequential Operation with Two
Double-Acting Cylinders and a Delay
Activity 12: Sequential Operation with Three
Double-Acting Cylinders and a Delay
Activity 13: Variable Timers
Activity 14: Variable Counters
Activity 15: Project: Port Soil Removal System