In this engaging course, students explore various technological systems in the relevant context of sustainable and alternative energy. Students discover how alternative resources such as solar, wind, nuclear, and hydropower are used to produce energy. Students learn about hybrid vehicles and fuel sources such as hydrogen, electricity, and ethanol. Students learn how construction and design methods are used to create energy-efficient buildings and how existing homes can be retrofitted to increase their energy-efficiency. Students investigate ways to protect the resources we harvest.
Using the supplied experiment kits, students generate electricity from renewable sources, design a solar energy system based on electricity needs, and extract hydrogen from water by electrolysis.
introduction to Green Technology considers why research in sustainable and alternative energies is so important today. The threats to human and environmental health posed by fossil fuel consumption are explored.
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Natural Resources and Environmentalism
Lesson 2: Pollution and its Effects
Lesson 3: Sustainable and Unsustainable Energy; Fossil Fuels
Lesson 4: The Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change
Lesson 5: Efficiency and Alternative Energy
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Natural and Renewable Resources
Lesson 2: Nonrenewable Resources
Lesson 3: Conservation in Industry
Lesson 4: Conservation in Manufacturing
Lesson 5: Waste
Lesson 6: Soil Conservation
Lesson 7: Water Conservation
Lesson 8: Ecosystems
Lesson 9: Wildlife
Lesson 10: Conservation as a Community Effort
sources, such as moving air and water. Science and math objectives are addressed as students participate in activities such as calculating their own home’s electricity needs and designing a solar energy system based on those needs.
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Introduction to Energy
Lesson 2: Energy Types and Electricity
Lesson 3: Energy, the Environment, and Hydropower
Lesson 4: Geothermal Energy
Lesson 5: Wind Energy
Lesson 6: Solar Energy and Career Connections
Lesson 7: Solar Power and You
Lesson 8: Nuclear Energy
Lesson 9: Other Types of Alternative Energy
Course Outline
Lesson 1: The History of Transportation
Lesson 2: Drilling and Refining Oil and the Internal Combustion Engine
Lesson 3: Hydrogen and Electrolysis
Lesson 4: Hydrogen Experiment and Electric Vehicles
Lesson 5: Hybrid Vehicles
Lesson 6: Transmissions and Hybrid Disadvantages
Lesson 7: Alternative Fuels
Lesson 8: Solar and Wind Energy in Transportation
Lesson 9: Ways to Reduce Fuel Consumption Now
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Introduction to Energy Efficiency and Green Construction
Lesson 2: Solar Home Planning
Lesson 3: Shading
Lesson 4: Glazing
Lesson 5: Thermal Mass
Lesson 6: Insulation
Lesson 7: Integrated Passive Solar and Passive Solar Cooling
Lesson 8: More Ways to Harvest Energy
Lesson 9: Designing to Conserve Water