Today, surrounded by technology, all disciplines of education and all types of students have to adapt and learn STEM to prepare them for just about any career in the 21st century. Driven by this saturation of technology and the need for tech literacy, STEM Education is essential to integrate into today’s advanced workforce. Introducing younger students to STEM topics will not only help more students choose STEM careers but will also enable all students for the rest of their careers.
For over 30 years Intelitek has been helping education systems, throughout the world, to promote STEM education and encourage tech awareness and STEM careers.
Intro to STEM Pathways
A comprehensive semester long program with a core STEM foundation curriculum that teaches students the fundamentals of engineering and technology with a focus on real-world applications.
The program can be augmented by any of seven supplementary courses to match teacher and student preferences.
Mobile and industrial robotics are engaging tools that students love and can relate to. Using robotics Intelitek offer different levels of programs to introduce students to the fundamentals and the most complex concepts of science, technology, engineering and math.
Coderz introduces coding concepts and computer science. This online, interactive tool enables Middle and High School teachers to implement an engaging, integrated STEM program that appeals to all levels of students with a fun, gamified, project-based learning experience.
Intelitek delivers teaching solutions to enable educators to provide students the basis to learn transferable and marketable skills that will serve them for their school, college and working careers.
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