Contest Overview

For theAutomated Manufacturing Technology event, contestants plan, design and manufacture a part. A team contest is for three students. The team must generate a plot file that will be used to send their data to the plotter. The contest evaluates teams for employment in integrated manufacturing technology fields of computer aided drafting/design (CAD), computer aided manufacturing (CAM), and computer numerical controlled machining (CNC). CAD operators construct the part geometry; the CAM operator generates the tool paths; and the CNC operator sets up and machines the part.
The manufacturing part of the system was supplied by Intelitek and the Intelitek AMT Kit Includes:
- CNC BenchMill 6100
- Imperial 4 tool ISO 20 tool holder package
- Hand wheel
- Network port and cable
- CNCMotion control software
The CNC machine used at the National Skills Contest is the BenchMill 6100. Teams need to supply two computers. The first computer will need to have a licensed copy of CAD (computer aided drafting) software installed and fully operational. The second computer will need to have a licensed copy of CAM (computer aided manufacturing) software installed and fully functional. In addition to the CAM software, the control software for the BenchMill 6100 will be installed.
Intelitek have provided training and equipment for advanced manufacturing programs for over 35 years. Contact Intelitek for information about our programs and how you can get your team better equipped to participate in AMT competitions. Contact Intelitek or an Intelitek Dealer for more information.