The Engineering Application Series (EAS) is a collection of 35 downloadable projects that you can add to your classroom or lab. These activities enable open-ended project-based learning strategies that enhance the instructional experience for students. EAS provides students the opportunity to master critical academic, workplace, and life skills while solving real-world challenges.
In each project, a team of 4-8 students are presented with a real world engineering design challenge. The team then organizes and solves the problem by navigating the design loop process using a unique “”Challenge Script”” and a variety of worksheets.
All presentation media and student handouts, including the Challenge Script, worksheets, and assessment rubrics can be downloaded, edited, and printed.
Do you already have an REC program implemented in your classroom? If so, you have all the hardware needed for in depth solutions to the EAS projects!
EAS projects are vendor-neutral, meaning you can complete them using your choice of hardware. The VEX robotics system is one choice that enables versatile, creative solutions to many of the challenges presented in EAS.
If you have REC in your classroom, your students already have all they need to fully explore solutions to EAS challenges with no added hardware expense for your lab!
EAS Projects include everything needed for successful integration into any classroom!
Challenge Portal:
The Challenge Portal provides access to dozens of engineering design problems from a variety of categories including aerospace, agriculture, biotechnology, civil engineering, green technology, manufacturing, robotics, and much more.
Challenge Script:
The Challenge Script provides students with step-by-step guidance through the design loop process to solve an engineering problem. There is an online version of the script, or an editable version can be downloaded and printed for student use in a lab without computers.
Student Handouts:
Each step is prompted by questions posed by the Challenge Script and a variety of worksheets and forms.
A combination of student worksheets and rubrics are provided to help measure student performance.
35 Downloadable EAS Projects including:
Airplane Launcher
Automatic Fishing Reel
Balloon Racer
Bathroom Redesign
Bridge, Fixed
Bridge, Movable
Chair – Cardboard
Conveyor System – Automated
Dicey Situation
Geothermal Heating/Cooling System
Gravity Parts Feeder
Gray Water Disposal/Recycling System – Residential
Gray Water Disposal/Recycling System – RV
Guitar Tuning Device
Intelligent Green House
Lunar Hydroponic Greenhouse
Mechanisms Trainer
Oil Spill – Beach Cleanup
Opossum Trap
Pneumatics Trainer
Portable Lift Seat
Robotics Game/Event – About Face – Autonomous
Robotics Game/Event – Tractor/Robot Pull Sled
Robotics Game/Event – Round Up – VEX 2010-2011 Competition
Robotics Game/Event – TSA/VEX Robotics Swept Away
Smart House
Solar Energy Trainer
Solar Water Heater
Stage Show
Sun Tracking Solar Panel Array
Vending Machine
Vibratory Conveyor System
Wind Turbine