Why Education 4.0?
Intelitek’s viewpoint on Education 4.0 is derived from a more familiar concept known as Industry 4.0. In the industrial context, this term describes the fact that society has experienced four industrial revolutions in the last 250 years. These revolutions have completely changed not only the world of industry but many aspects of community, the practical nature of the workforce, and the way we see living in modern times.
Education 4.0 defines today’s required schooling for being an active member of society and a valuable employee in the industrial workspace.
Even today during most learning sessions, students are required to sit quietly in class, have no interaction with their peers and listen to the single source of knowledge – the teacher. Education 4.0 involves collaboration with peers, guests, teachers and administrators. Education 4.0 environments must foster discussion and teamwork.
Intelitek learning environments are designed to duplicate other parts of societal development. We are inspired by Industry 4.0 and the development of transportations systems, healthcare systems, and much more. The fundamentals of Education 4.0 are:
- The learning path is tailor made
- We offer formative assessment
- Teachers become mentors
- Divergence and pluralism